DBI-SALA 6118050 Lad-Saf Cable Vertical Safety System Galvanized Steel 50ft ZO_QO4WL815

$549.00  $81.69

Product details:

Designed to meet the requirements of the new ANSI Z359.16 standard, along with OSHA 1910.140 and 1926.502, when used with our Lad-Saf X3 Detachable Cable Sleeve (6160054) and Lad-Saf X2 Detachable Cable Sleeve (6160030). Ordering is easy – the entire system sold in a single SKU, including both brackets, pre-swaged cable, and cable guides. Reengineered to simplify and speed up the installation process. Fewer loose parts: Fewer than 13 separate components, up to 72% less than our previous comparable model. Light – weighs less than our previous systems. For industrial/occupational use only.

  • 20 ft., no cable guide 6118030
  • 30 ft., 1 cable guide 6118040
  • 40 ft., 1 cable guide 6118050
  • 50 ft., 1 cable guide 6118060
  • 60 ft., 2 cable guides 6118070
  • 70 ft., 2 cable guides 6118080
  • 80 ft., 2 cable guides 6118090
  • 90 ft., 3 cable guides 6118100